8 Video Games Where YOU Are The Final Boss

1. Darkseed 2

mass effect shepard

Seemingly acting like the lovechild of H.R. Geiger and Mortal Kombat live-action capture tech, Darkseed 1 and 2 are a trip into insanity that will make you question many, many things, your sanity being one of them.

For you see while it first appears that luckless loser Mike Dawson is once again on a quest to stop a parallel dimension from invading his own, things take a turn for the Twin Peaks in the final moments of the sequel.

Here Mike has, somehow, defeated a giant monster using only his wits and his "why yes I do have my porn collection alphabetized" 'stache, and is now chatting with his pal Jack who so desperately wants to be the Fonz it's likely he's got a tattoo of Henry Winkler's face on his tongue.

Jack reveals, in a rather well-laid twist, that you and he are actually the same person, and that he's actually the Mike Dawson from the parallel universe, only cooler and with the ability to turn into a bloody demon. As you might expect, demonic powers are more effective than sports jackets and our Mike now lays dead on the floor.

Having stolen our identity "Jack" now rides off into the...er...gloomset in the other world, clearly preferring to go home over live in our reality, making us all question what the hell is going on, but also why he even bothered to come to our world only to choose to remain in his own.

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