8 Video Games With The BEST Game Overs

5. So. Many. Deaths. - The Quest Franchise

video game overs
Sierra Entertainment

Sierra Entertainment. Truly there will never be another developer staffed by so many funny people. While we might have a chuckle at the likes of Borderlands or Saint's Row from time to time, Sierra made them all look like open mic nights compared to their well-crafted and often bizarre comedy stylings.

Throughout the Quest family of games, that ranged from Kings Quest, Space Quest and Police Quest Sierra always delivered narratives and quests in a totally tongue-in-cheek fashion, often spending more time sending up the genre they were writing for above all else. Imagine if the Airplane! or Naked Gun films were video games and you're on the right track, with joke after joke hitting every other moment.

And of course, this extended to the ways that you could bite the big one, and include such legendary deaths as being beaten by a bear in a boxing match, having a liquid metal android burst from your trousers to kill you, to letting you trade quest important (and highly valuable) items for bloody CUSTARD PIES highlighting what an inept King you are.

In fact, there are so many great deaths I urge you to watch compilations of them online because some need to be seen to be believed.

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