8 Video Games You Bought Just For A Mini-game

5. Triple Triad - Final Fantasy 8

Resident Evil 5
Square Enix

Listen. I know tonnes of you out there are already so hooked on Gwent that you'll need to go through rehab just to get through, but trust me, to slightly older gamers, this was nothing compared to the hold that Triple Triad had on your nuts and soul respectively.

How could such a simple card game dominate the moody-broody-Squalls-an-emo-dudey experience of Final Fantasy 8 so defiantly? Well for a start it's because everyone and their time-traveling wife play the game, and secondly, it's because it's so utterly brilliant.

Collecting rare cards from chance encounters with NPC's, building a blistering deck, and battling against a ruleset that actually followed you from continent to continent, and of course, THAT MUSIC, it was a true joy, and in many cases, the main story would take a backseat as you spent hours trying to coax a player to lose a specific card to you.

And you knew you were in deep when you found yourself going so far as to sacrifice getting ultimate weapons for characters because that would mean synthesising some of the most brutal cards. Triple Triad is card-based crack and for a long old while Final Fantasy players couldn't get enough.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.