8 Video Games You Bought Just For A Mini-game

3. Bloodbath Challenges - Madworld

Resident Evil 5
Platinum Games

I think everyone the world over raised a collective eyebrow when Madworld, a video game all about murdering people in gruesomely over the top fashion and championing violence in all its forms, was slated to be released as a Wii exclusive.

Nintendo's tiny family-friendly console sure got a lot of claret over its white exterior with this one, as Madworld pulled no punches whatsoever and proudly asserted itself as king of the corpse pile for a long old while. While the main game was bloody good and bloody bloody fun, there was actually a brilliant mini-game-Esque diversion for players to take part in.

Known as The Bloodbath Challenges, these violent bursts of entertainment tasked the player with eliminating enemies in certain ways. From throwing them in front of trains, feeding them into a jet engine or just smashing enemies' heads through rings using only a golf club, these experiences managed to perk up the player lest they become bored of the endless killing of the main narrative.

I mean it's still killing, but now it's been turned into a game!...ooff I can already feel how many parents and politicians got riled up by that statement.


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