8 Ways Assassin’s Creed Rogue Is The Best In The Series

7. Relatable Protagonist

assassin's creed rogue

Assassin’s Creed has struggled for relatable protagonists for quite a few games. From Connor’s unenthused appearance to Arno’s unwavering arrogance, the games have longed for a character as lovable as and enjoyable as Ezio. And while the series has had entertaining and fun characters in Edward and Jacob, they have been far from relatable. But Shay is easily one of the best, most engaging characters in the series.

The way the game is structured means that the player and Shay are on equal footing and you both go through the transition from Assassin to Templar together. Chances are as the player, you’ve been playing all the games up to this point so the sudden change to the Templar side is as jarring as it is for Shay. By having a character that is on equal standing as the player makes that transition smoother, and makes the player relate to the character.

His character arc is one of the most compelling in the series as he is brought to question the creed alongside the player. Playing as Shay is a joy as he is a genuinely great character torn between duty and doing the right thing, so much so that playing as him rivals the experience of playing and living through Ezio.

Not to mention that his arrogance doesn’t manifest as him being a complete and utter eejit like a certain French Revolutionary…


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.