8 Ways Video Games Punish You For Breaking Their Rules
4. Guild Wars

Cheating in an MMO is sheer lunacy in and of itself, as getting banned in an MMO is on a completely different level to getting banned in any other type of game. Tens or potentially hundreds of hours go into levelling a character in an MMO - which is a silly amount of time to render null and void by getting your account banned.
Guild Wars decided to take this already upsetting punishment even further by adding a little salt into the wound, in the form of a hitman named Dhuum.
Should a player be dumb enough to cheat in Guild Wars, the in-game moderators will spawn in Dhuum to deal with them - an unkillable Grim Reaper who hunts down cheaters and bans their account with a swing of his scythe.
Getting banned is obviously the main form of punishment, but the added insult to injury here is that Dhuum is visible to all of the other players in the server. This means that should you be around anyone else when Dhuum eventually tracks you down, your punishment will turn into a spectator sport for everyone who witnesses it, making your death serve as a warning for every other player present.