8 Weirdest Video Game Boss Battles Of All Time!

6. Negative Man - Mother 3

Mara Shin Megami
Brownie Brown

Oh Mother 3, you are a gift unto the world in nearly every aspect, aren't you?

From your aesthetics to your engaging, often equally thought-provoking and hilarious plot, you just know how to sink your fangs right deep into our flesh, and when it comes to your boss battles, hoo boy are you not afraid to get freaky.

I say this, because within a cave in Mother 3 you can find a yellow man all hunched over in a manner expressing the deepest pain that one could ever feel, and it is here that you battle the one and only Negative Man. Now unlike his friend Passive Aggressive man who attacks you with post-it notes about not cleaning the dishes in the workplace kitchen, or Gaslight Man who makes you think you're in the wrong and thus makes you do damage to yourself, Negative Man wants absolutely nothing to do with you, or the wider world for that matter.

He just wants to be left alone, in his cave, being negative about things, and even in his battle, he won't attack, offering up moments of sheer bleakness that it makes the film The Road look like Mary f*cking Poppins. In fact, the only thing weirder than this boss fight is the fact that Mother 3 even allows you to fight him in the first place, meaning you'll likely exit this cave feeling very uneasy with yourself after all is said and done.

Maybe this was Negative Mans's plan all along!

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