8 Worst Video Games Of 2020 (So Far)

7. Mafia II: Definitive Edition

Mafia 2
2K Czech

If we're talking the worst games of a given year, then anything released in that year as a standalone, price-point attached product is fair game.

Mafia 2, then, despite being one of the most beloved open-world crime games of all time with a killer cast, great gameplay, a stellar map and meaty gunplay... left all of that in 2010's original.

This Definitive Edition is anything but. Yes, it rolls together all the DLC you'd expect, but where the Mafia 1 remake is getting a Saints Row 3-sized graphical overhaul, the same can't be said here.

2020's Mafia 2 is an abomination of a port/remaster. Main man Vito Scaletta can't walk two steps indoors without phasing through part of the wall or floor, and any time you try to do anything outdoors involving people, cars or guns - y'know, like, playing a Mafia game - the frame rate tanks.

Overall, I'm talking really catastrophic, "How did this get released?"-type stuff. Enemies freezing in place, the game stuttering or hitching when you're just driving in the open-world, mission-markers not triggering or text staying on-screen long after it was supposed to disappear.

Clearly this needed more time in the oven for sheer optimisation, and even at time of writing there are still daily reports of nothing being fixed.

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Mafia II
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