8 Worst Video Games Of 2020 (So Far)

2. Warcraft 3: Reforged

Warcraft 3

How to royally pee off an entire fanbase, as not only did newcomers get one of the best RPGs ever made in a watered down, smoothed-over and uninviting package, but veterans were dealt a markedly terrible hand as well.

For the latter, they quickly found out Blizzard had pushed all of Reforged's "improvements" onto the original game, forcing those who'd rather stick with that version to experience a markedly worse edition.

What was actually wrong? Well... how much time do you have? We've got an entire marketing campaign showing cutscenes and game footage that wasn't in the final build, character models that had been downgraded and promised story refinements that were thrown away.

Flip-book frame rates, full game crashes, matchmaking issues - even things like custom campaigns and clan trackers that were present in 2002 have been ditched.

Few thought Blizzard would be able to top Diablo Immortal's reveal in terms of sheer tone-deaf, "WTF is happening?"-style clumsiness, but here we are.

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