9 2017 Video Games Nobody Asked For

3. Gran Turismo Sport

Gran Turismo Sport
Polyphony Digital

Release Date: TBA

Because they want an extra cash injection before making Gran Turismo 7, Polyphony Digital are trotting out another half-step entry into the series, even though they insist it will have more content than previous Prologue releases.

Everyone just wants GT7 at this point, and so it's immensely frustrating that Sport's development is going to push it back at least a few years. Seriously, at this point it's entirely possible the PS4 could end up missing out on a main numbered entry into the series.

Plus, again, with Forza basically dominating the racing scene and the PS4's Driveclub being supported surprisingly well over the last few years, Gran Turismo simply doesn't feel that relevant anymore.

Could It Be Any Good?: There's no doubt the driving will be fun, but it'll likely be met with a lot of ambivalence upon release.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.