9 Amazing Video Games (You Can’t Actually Play Anymore)

2. The Simpsons Arcade Game

the simpsons arcade

From one side-scrolling beat-em-up to another, The Simpsons Arcade Game was a seminal title, and no doubt a huge reason why every kid growing up in the 90s was always so totally broke.

Admittedly, the title is more iconic than it is actually good, but the ability to play as these sprite recreations of your favourite Springfield town members and beat the ever-loving snot out of enemies with Bart's skateboard (because, let's face it, you always chose Bart) made it an arcade staple.

It was ported to consoles in the early 2010s, even being free for a time for Playstation Plus members, but its newfound relevance didn't last long. In 2013, it was removed from the Playstation store, with Xbox following suit shortly after. There'll probably still be some OG arcade machines kicking around somewhere, but finding one will be rarer than anyone picking to play as Lisa.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3