9 Brilliant Video Game Mechanics That Are Criminally Underused

5. Physics & Object-Manipulating Weapons - Half Life 2

Half Life 2 Sand Traps

The Gravity Gun in Half Life 2 was absolutely brilliant. Not only did it afford for brilliantly hilarious moments in combat, but it exercised one of the best physics engines gaming had ever seen, utilising the improved engine through brilliant and inventive puzzles. And the like of it has never been seen since.

The mechanic has pretty much only been used in Half Life 2 and will likely never be seen again within that same franchise. So it's up to other developers to take the mechanic and run with it. It was such a simple and ingenious idea that could be used to great effect if developers took their time with it.

And it's just fun to launch giant saws at head crabs and watch the majesty of Half Life 2's physics engine at work. It's such a simple, fun and creative mechanic and it's baffling that no one else has picked it up to toy around with yet. At least not to great effect.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.