9 Celebrity Voice Actors Who Ruined Their Video Games

5. 50 Cent - 50 Cent (50 Cent: Blood On The Sand)

50 Cent

In a game where the opening cutscene has Curtis 'Fiddy Cent' Jackson finishing a gig in an armoured bullet-vest, only to receive payment from the club's owner through a diamond-encrusted skull (yes, really), you'd be forgiven for thinking this level of not-give-a-hoot-ery naturally transferred into Jackson's lead performance.

And while this might be the case, as Giant Bomb's Jeff Gerstmann pointed out in his review of the game, all the other members of G-Unit address 50 by name, whereas the candy-shop-loving gangster himself couldn't be bothered to do reciprocating line-reads - meaning that while he gets referred to by name, none of his partners receive the same courtesy.

Gameplay-wise there's also the utilisation of a 'taunt button' which, in the same manner as in Scarface is just an excuse to prod a button and hear your character say something swear-filled or otherwise ridiculous to whoever they're fighting or recently dispatching.

Some people absolutely loved the balls-out nature of Blood on the Sand, whereas others can't summon enough air in their bodies to groan enough, but either way the dialogue itself and 50's delivery is easily some of the stupidest you'll ever come across in all of gaming - and that's saying something.

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