9 Celebrity Voice Actors Who Ruined Their Video Games

3. Matthew Perry - Benny (Fallout: New Vegas)

Matt Perry Fallout

Okay okay, Matthew Perry didn't 'ruin' Fallout: New Vegas overall, but his performance has to be one of the worst, most lazy realisations of his formidable talents since the career-establishing Friends ended.

It seems as if the scriptwriters at Obsidian Entertainment saw a heap of Friends episodes and decided to write their very own version of Chandler, throwing in many lines where Perry could have taken the ball and ran with it, but instead it was dropped, sat on, popped and buried.

With the repetition of words like "Baby" and "Hello", they were clearly put in the script for Perry to dig into his back-catalogue and pull from his most energetic Friends episodes or movie performances, but as you can hear above nearly every line sounds like a first-take.

New Vegas ended up cherished dearly by the hardcore Fallout-faithful, and although it mostly did very well critically, voice performances like Perry's stick out like a sore thumb amongst a sea of otherwise solid performances.

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