9 Crucial Ways Microsoft Can Save The Xbox One At E3 2017
4. Unveil A Ton Of New Exclusives & New Characters
The other side to the nostalgia coin is a strong grasp of the future, as across the Xbox One's life cycle we've seen studios attempt to release newer instalments in veteran franchises (Halo and Gears of War, for example), only for them to barely register. That's partly down to the previous point and the reality of Sony's on-point messaging being so relentless, but one flash-in-the-pan nostalgia-blast just doesn't get noticed when the library of titles overall is so lacklustre.
In fairness, Microsoft have tried to get new IPs out the door across the last few years. Sunset Overdrive, ReCore, Quantum Break, Titanfall - the latter would go multi-platform for its sequel to recoup costs, but it's here where Microsoft consistently plugged a gap of exclusives that Sony just couldn't match up to.
Sadly, this mattered not when eyes are elsewhere and quality was low, yet as we're seeing on the PS4, the ethos remains the same: Exclusives matter.
Titles you can call your own only serve to bolster a given console's brand (just look at Nintendo). Microsoft need to have a solid roster of first and third-party exclusives ready to go at E3; enough to turn heads, be memorable out the gate and encourage people to jump ship.
Anything less, and they're in big trouble.