9 Fan Theories That Save TERRIBLE Games

4. It's An Intentionally Bad Simulation - Superman 64

Sonic the Hedgehog 2006
Titus Interactive SA

You don't need to have played Superman 64 to appreciate its legendary stature as the hottest garbage to ever garbage in the video game industry. 

The Man of Steel's hugely hyped-up outing on the Nintendo 64 was universally panned for its awful controls, bevy of technical issues, frustrating gameplay, and yes, the plentiful Kryptonite fog used to mask the game's godawful draw distance.

While it'll require some serious cognitive dissonance to redeem a game this terrible, there's a fan theory that quite ingeniously reframes Superman 64 as intentionally rubbish.

You see, the game takes place in a virtual recreation of Metropolis created by Lex Luthor, which Superman is forced to navigate in order to rescue Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane, and Professor Hamilton.

But what if all the game's technical shortcomings are simply shortcomings of Luthor's own simulation? After all, even with Luthor's resources, creating a tangible simulation of a real city is incredibly challenging, so it tracks that there would be some serious technical issues.

As for why the controls are frustratingly difficult? Of course they are - Lex doesn't want Superman to prevail. 

Setting the game in a Metropolis simulation was almost a low-key genius move, giving developers Titus Interactive a hilarious get-out clause to deflect criticism.

Or, you know, not.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.