9 Gaming Moments In 2015 That Made You Uncomfortable

6. Seeing Silent Hills Get Cancelled And Turned Into A Pachinko Machine

"Oh look, it's a new Silent Hill trailer and it looks kind-of okay," you think as you start watching the video below. Spooky piano music, those hazy, haunting CGI clips that we've come to associate with the series, and a steadily building atmosphere of dread suggest that the series may not be dead after all, despite the unceremonious cancellation of Silent Hills. Maybe Konami isn't so bad after all. Maybe Hideo Kojima was just a bit of a narcissist with a superstar complex and Konami is better of without him... Then, suddenly, the Silent Hill imagery burns away with what appears to be a blue Windows Movie Maker transition effect, some raunchy metal music kicks in, and our senses get obliterated for the next two minutes by a messy montage of screaming slot machines, alarm bells, psychedelic visuals and "HIT THE LEVER!" prompts. Yes, the series that earlier in the year looked set for a glorious revival thanks to Guillermo Del Toro and Hideo Kojima has, by the end of 2015, been reduced to a gambling machine. Next up, could we be looking at Metal Gear Solid VI: Pachinko, Pro Evo 2017: Pachinko and Castlevania: Pachinko? At this point, you can't put it past Konami, and the thought makes us shudder... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ht4dbyPIcM

Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.