9 Hilariously Ugly Video Game Babes We All Had Crushes On
8. Lara Croft - Tomb Raider
Did you know Lara Croft's now-infamous cleavage actually started out as a glitch? Designer Toby Gard was reportedly coding her character model, when something went awry and her chest spiked out into ridiculous proportions. He promptly started fixing the mistake, until his design team convinced him to leave it in - albeit reducing it to the more 'believable' dimensions that would end up in the final product. From then on out you could tell Core Design embraced the sexual nature of Lara's persona, giving her all sorts of titillative moans and groans whilst mantling up surfaces, before modelling all cutscenes and subsequent artwork with her amble breastage being the sole focus. Even the game's original box art featured Lara with two chest-mountains big enough to block an entire fleet of aircraft at a moment's notice. To stave off too much criticism it did help that she was a damn-fine archaeologist underneath such a visual knockout getup, but you just can't deny how ridiculously conceptual her character model looks by today's standards. Hell, you could put your eye out on one of those in-game love-pillows if you're not careful.