9 Image Changes That Totally Killed Your Favourite Video Game Characters

2. Dante (DmC: Devil May Cry)

Devil May Cry Dante

Speaking of market research dictating aesthetics, just look at the Justin Bieber-all-grown-up horror of 'modern Dante'. Needless to say, he was laughed out the room before getting his second foot on the floor; the very idea of anybody other than Capcom developing Devil May Cry immediately getting peoples' backs up before his designs confirmed all our worst fears.

All this came after Capcom had attempted a bizarre 'reincarnation' of Dante with Nero; a cloned Dante lookalike in DMC 4 that fans mostly accepted, by way of him literally being the Son of Sparta's spitting image. Once Ninja Theory got ahold of the license though, they went all-out, revamping the character for a 'modern audience'... though they seemed to take their influence from Kerrang-favourites Black Veil Bridges, rather than anything more gothic or authentic.

Once again, Dante was pronounced dead at the scene. Nobody wanted to embody this cocksure a-hole who was actually just a cocksure a-hole, rather than the self-aware albino we'd grown up with, and as such, the re-released Definitive Edition of DmC from 2013 completely bombed internationally, selling only a few thousand units overall.

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