9 Landmark Fan Outrages That Changed Expensive Video Games
2. Call Of Duty Returning To WW2
The game that was willed into being by a Youtube dislike bar.
Call of Duty's "return to the old-school" was certainly welcomed by open arms at launch, but the actual decision wasn't something Activision wanted to do, being they were steamrolling ahead with futuristic titles like Advanced Warfare, Black Ops 3 and Infinite Warfare.
Indeed, the response to Infinite Warfare was so negative (it's still one of the most disliked videos in Youtube history) and the general media coverage so exhaustively negative, the only option was to cave to fan demands.
Enter COD: WW2, a game that literally feels like a series of mass market boxes being ticked.
From generic D-Day landing-fronted campaign to the "shing" of an M1 Garand reloading, we've been here and done this a thousand times before - but at least it showed that when people yell loud enough, they can sometimes get what they want.