9 Major Problems With Fallout Nobody Wants To Admit

7. It Doesn't Hold Up As A First-Person Shooter

Fallout Problems

The shooting in the Fallout series has always been shaky, but for the most part the earlier games were able to get away with it because it was never the main focus. Between stealth, speech, and non-lethal mechanics, there used to be many ways to accomplish missions or level up in the previous releases, however Fallout 4 stripped out most of these options when it released in 2015.

Gradually making shooting and action the core thing that Fallout has to offer ever since the third game, the series has taken steps to centre its appeal around its combat. Unfortunately, if that's what the series is going to be judged primarily on going forward, it's just not good enough.

Despite drafting in help from the guys at Id for the fourth title, the shooting still didn't hold a candle to similar games releasing at the time. Hell, it didn't even match up to other titles from Bethesda's own stable.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3