9 Most Discussed Video Game Plot Holes That Will Never Be Answered


6. Elena Magically Stumbling Across Drake In Uncharted 4

uncharted 4 elena
Naughty Dog

Elena and Drake's romantic relationship has been the emotional backbone of the entire Uncharted series, so it made sense for Naughty Dog to put the couple through the wringer for Drake's final adventure.

The two seemingly break up halfway through the game when Elena finds out that her husband has been lying about his extra-curricular activities, but inevitably returns to his side later to help nurse a wounded Drake back to health.

It's a great moment in the game's story, but it's probably one of the most implausible parts of a game about Indiana Jones-type heroes searching for hidden pirate treasure.

Because when Elena stumbles across Drake, he's actually lost in the middle of a jungle that hasn't been explored in centuries. Even with help from Sully, there's no way that she could have found him this easily. Even the enemies who were hot on his tail didn't know where he was.

The game attempts to wave this away by saying that Elena followed the sounds of gunfire, but it's a flimsy excuse to justify this huge leap in logic.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3