9 Most Inventive Kills In Gaming

6. Turok 2 - The Cerebral Bore

Rsz Rsz 2creative Armed And Dangerous WallpaperThank God that the aiming reticle doesn't take too much screen space.

Well, this has to be one of the most brutal weapons ever tought of. If any weapon ever deserved a description of the way it kills, it's the Cerebral Bore. Despite looking like a hi-tec plasma potato, the weapon itself is actually a launcher of sorts. It has some advanced targeting systems, looks flashy and can probably wash your laundry, but the projectile is much more interesting. See, once the "missile" is launched, it latches onto the head of the creature you've been aiming at. After it's stabilised on the cranium, it starts drilling into the skull. Yes, that's what little evil machines do to you.

Once the brain is reached, the drill goes all multipractic, mixing and mincing the poor bastard's thinky stuff. Naturally, all that minced meat has to exit the skull somewhere, and the Bore is once again on top of the problem. All the fluids and brain matter are forced out through the suction channel on the projectile. After the skull is emptied, the explosive attached to the drill explodes. You know, for good measure.

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An avid gamer kicking about in the business of freelance writing.