9 Polarising Levels That Almost Ruined Great Games

9. Fighting The Blue Guys - Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Having a supernatural element come in out of nowhere in any archaeologically-focussed narrative just seems par for the course, although rather than being an undefinable force of God (or whatever) that was inside the Lost Ark in Indiana Jones and more of a Crystal Skull-type head-scratcher, Uncharted 2 decided to have you tackle a race of blue super-humans for the big finish. Granted the first game ended with a similar "They're not dead after all!"-reveal when the Spanish colonists reanimated and started baying for blood, but at least if you got the setup right, you could have some fun pitting them against the more regular soldiers you'd been tackling across the campaign. Uncharted 2 pulled this same reveal, except restricted you to a tiny arena-like structure where any close-quarters interaction with these grenade-tossing fiends was essentially a one-hit kill. Uncharted's combat is always frantic and scattershot at the best of times (which is part of the appeal and the embodiment of Drake's character himself), but by forcing you into such a confined space against enemies that already felt like a reach conceptually, just came across as misguided.
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