9 Polarising Levels That Almost Ruined Great Games

2. The Drone Tank Battles - Batman: Arkham Knight

So after more than a year of fervent speculation, Batman: Arkham Knight released to almost unanimously positive critical praise. Likewise, the fan side of things was fairly loaded with "Best thing ever!" responses and a handful of specific plot moments are justifiably exactly that. But then there's the negative side, the armoured-up cannon-topped elephant in the room; that Batmobile, and everything that comes with it. Sure for the most part it's a huge amount of fun just barrelling through Gotham and torpedoing enemy cars with the barest whiff of care for the environment as they cascade off road and through a line of bus stops, but holding down the left trigger changes form into a tank, which from there it's dodge n' shoot city. Lasers appear on the screen pointing to what areas are about to be fired upon, missiles launch from off-screen and track your position within seconds (meaning you must take them out or be blown to smithereens) and the whole thing is done with more screaming alert noises and in-your-face HUD elements than Steel Battalion. In the end it's no surprise people are actively giving up on Arkham Knight's best bits simply because these parts of the game are so badly handled, but like some band of resistance fighters slowly erecting their flag, there are a contingent of Batmobile-lovers out there, too.
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