9 Reasons Red Dead Redemption 2 Is Already Better Than GTA 5

4. Clothing Doesn't Auto-Change - Factors Into Location & Mission Opportunities

Red Dead Redemption 2 Arthur Morgan

A personal bugbear of mine, I hated how you could spend time dressing up your characters in GTA V - only for clothing to change whenever you cycled between all three of them.

For Red Dead, clothing and the general state of your character plays into far more than just aesthetics. First up, you'll actually get progressively dirtier, even going so far as to get caked in mud. The latter can happen if a horse-jacking goes wrong, or you just need to tuck-roll for a landing after leaping from a moving train carriage.

Being unclean means shop keepers may refuse to serve you, and mission-givers won't entertain you, or they'll address you in a completely different manner. Remedying this means seeking out a bath to restore yourself in a given location, and clothing too affects all of this - as does which weapons you're carrying.

Because of how RDR 2 handles its missions i.e. they dynamically trigger in response to a million moving parts (more on this later), you'll need to keep all this in mind to get the most out the game.

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