9 Reasons Skyrim Is Still One Of The Best Video Games Of All Time

6. Levelling System Is The Best In The Genre

skyrim sneak

In terms of huge triple-A titles that nailed this kind of thing, San Andreas set ball rolling in 2004 and Skyrim nailed it seven years later. Both games featured a levelling system predicated on doing the thing you want to get better at.

In Skyrim's case, it's just sublime. Use your shield and deflect at the right time, and you'll build up points towards perks in the Blocking skill tree. Suddenly you'll be able to deflect arrows, absorb crushing blows that used to kill you in one shot, or learn how to perform a shield-bash counter.

Consequently, reading books on all sorts of areas will amp up those perk points, too, but you're free to just play the game and worry about stat-tracking later.

This is an important point to note, as 99% of RPGs barrage you with menus and levelling-up meters, challenging you to remember or work out precisely where to dump your points on a constant basis. Skyrim simply says, "Go on, we've got you, we'll figure this out together" and it's glorious.

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