9 Reasons You Should Be Thankful For The Nintendo Switch

3. Prioritising Games Over Power Is Essential

Legend of zelda breath of the wild

Read my digital lips: "Power does not matter in video games".

It never has.

Yes, rendering tech can aid in the telling of a story or the playability of a thing if a little visual clarification is necessary to what the game's design is shooting for in the first place (see the original NES Zelda vs. Link to the Past, for example), but all this 'PS4 Pro/Xbox Scorpio is the future/Time to get a 4K TV' stuff is hogwash.

Honestly, we've reached a point in the industry where Sony and Microsoft insist on trying to convince us that style is greater than substance, and it just isn't the case. The Switch will carry forward the sweet spot of graphics, a great balance between hardware strain and the realisation of any developer's vision.

Because as you can see with the PS4 Pro's disastrous reception, we don't need shinier environments and 'dynamic lighting', we need good games - something the Switch will be positively swimming in.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.