9 Reasons You Should Be Thankful For The Nintendo Switch

2. A Proper Home Console Pokémon Game

nintendo switch

Calling it right here, right now: The Switch version of Pokémon - possibly called 'Pokémon Switch' - will be the biggest thing since Lara Croft's chest. There's simply never been a home console version of Pokémon, and that's before you start looking at the sorts of strengths the Switch brings to the table, and the lessons learned from Pokémon GO.

Even if none of the following is correct, people will flock to purchase Switches if there's a full-screen Pokémon experience available. It's that simple.

Case in point: Nintendo have the opportunity to release a followup to Pokémon GO that feeds into your Switch progress, meaning you can get home after a good day's Pokémon-hunting (or walking your Pokémon to train it, HeartGold/SoulSilver-style), only to continue working your way through the game. You could play catch or frisbee using the IR sensor with your favourite creatures, and fling Pokéballs using one of the detachable controllers.

The functionality for this thing writes itself, and although it isn't confirmed just yet, Nintendo are not going to make the followup to Sun & Moon a 3DS exclusive once they've got the install base for Switch up and running.

Oh, and if they could bring Monster Hunter to big screens for the first time since 2011, that'd be just swell.

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Gaming Editor

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