9 Reasons You Should Be Thankful For The Nintendo Switch

1. No Installations Or Load Times

Nintendo Switch Zelda Cartridge

Remember when one of the biggest boons to console gaming was knowing you could just go grab a disc, pop it in the drive and play?

Yeah... that's almost never the case anymore, as both launch day patches and continual updates will make you sit for hours before getting to go hands-on with any particular title.

Hell, if you've bought a game anything more than a few months after launch, expect to sit down and soak up a good 10+GB of pent-up data, before you can play it in the state the developers now want.

Contrasting this, the Switch has moved away from discs entirely, instead pioneering a new type of cartridge that stores the entire game for instant play, and doesn't need to sit on load screens afterwards to pipe in new levels, either.

Maybe in practicality there will be pauses or other delays as the system processes all that data, but for now, the idea of a seamless, old-school setup where playing the game is of utmost importance feels like absolute bliss.


Where do you stand on the Switch? Buying day one, waiting or thoroughly put off? Let us know in the comments!

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