9 Remakes That Fixed TERRIBLE Parts Of Video Games

5. Live A Live - Much Improved Character Presentation

dead space
Square Enix

Live A Live was a 1994 Super Famicom RPG by Square Enix which, despite good reviews, never got a release outside of Japan. That all changed twenty-eight years later however when Western gamers could finally get their hands on this cult classic with a remake coming on the Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5 and Windows.

Because most players picking up the remake hadn't ever experienced the original, most of the changes made to Live A Live were minimal and the sort of tweaks you would expect.

The music tracks were rearranged and redone from scratch, new character artwork was introduced and the Unreal Engine allowed an upgrade from 16-bit to the '2D-HD' presentation of games like Triangle Strategy and Octopath Traveler.

But, the one change that took Live A Live from a solid remake to a genuinely immersive RPG and the definitive way to play the game was the addition of voice acting. Takashi Tokita, director of both the original and remake, personally hand-picked all the actors who appeared in-game, with all major characters being given lines.

Not only does the introduction of voice acting in cutscenes and battles make this feel like a contemporary RPG, but it injects the game's characters with more personalities, making their stories much more immersive. It's hard going back to the original and having these seven storylines presented any other way.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.