9 Remakes That Fixed TERRIBLE Parts Of Video Games

2. Resident Evil 4 - WAY Less QTEs

dead space

From auto-saving to weapon wheels to parrying, the Resident Evil 4 remake is one of the best examples of a remake living up to expectations. Capcom did a stellar job in marrying homages to the original with a slew of new features and mechanics, however there was one change in particular that really helped epitomise the remake as the go-to option for contemporary gamers.

Quick time events have become synonymous with the dark times of the Resident Evil series. Whilst they would dive off the deep end in RE5, QTEs actually made their debut in its much more acclaimed predecessor, RE4.

At the time, quick time events were a legitimately new and innovative feature, but it's safe to say they had been firmly shelved on the 'gimmick' shelf by the time this remake was first teased.

And whilst they weren't booted out entirely, the rate at which they are thrown at players is far less jarring. There are still options to parry to prevent fatal attacks and no gaming experience would be complete without a little button-mash from time to time, but the removal of so many QTEs gave the remake a completely new dimension to some of its most classic sequences.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.