9 Remakes That Fixed TERRIBLE Parts Of Video Games

1. Demon's Souls - Reliable Dodging

dead space
Bluepoint Games

Demon's Souls was already well on its way to becoming one of the most significant games ever released, but its 2020 remake at the hands of Bluepoint Games firmly put that reputation beyond question.

Bluepoint always had a vision for their version of the game to be faithful towards the original, but with the sorts of hardware tweaks that would help it stand out as a legit PS5 launch title. New weapons came in, the camera was made tighter, the graphics were given a big overhaul and even the musical score was fully redone with a live orchestral performance.

Still, nothing makes the OG Demon's Souls stand out more than seeing a character struggling to roll away from an enemy with ridiculously stiff controls. In the 2009 release, rolling was limited to just four directions, meaning evading enemies was unimaginably cumbersome at times. And, honestly, these sorts of rigid controls felt backwards even then.

Mercifully, Bluepoint took it upon themselves to drag this mechanic into the modern day and rolling in the remake is omnidirectional. It might sound like a small fix, but once you've experienced both games, you can't imagine the game being played with this stiff a control scheme ever again.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.