9 Things No One Wants To Admit About Marvel's Spider-Man

2. Every Boss Fight Is Exactly The Same

Spider Man Shocker

In terms of spectacle and character variety, Spidey's boss fights get full marks. We've got everyone from Doc Ock to Vulture, Mr. Negative to Kingpin.

Only... they all fall the same way.

Despite some awesome visual effects and brilliant exchanges between Yuri Lowenthal and whichever actor he's opposing, EVERY fight boils down to "throw an object to weaken foe, then web-zip up close for a combo". Sans the first Shocker chase through the city (which isn't really a boss fight, and more a swinging exercise), the overwhelming majority of foes follow this simple setup.

Even when you're tackling the combinations of Shocker/Vulture and Scorpion/Rhino, you're just doing the same tactic twice. You CAN make Rhino charge into Scorpion for some unique dialogue - and it feels great - but this isn't key to winning. Instead, in all these fights, whatever you did to weaken the enemy first, you rinse repeat until it's over.

Again, all the fights are spectacle-heavy and you feel confident leaping into the fray... it's just a shame there's not more variety.

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