9 Things NO Video Game Can Get Right

1. Seamless In-Game Achievement Tracking

Batman Arkham Knight

The biggest of props to Microsoft for one-upping Sony and adding a console-level achievement tracker to the Xbox One in 2017. It's a damn good start to what I'm getting at, and lets you pick various achievements to display in-game, using a transparent window so you can play and track them in real time.

However, obviously this is platform specific, but second, it's a multi-stage process that isn't helped by the Xbox One's stilted menu animations.

The solution is to better encourage developers to go the extra step and include in-game HUD options that let you track achievements and trophies. Make them as obvious a feature as any other HUD tweak like brightness, minimap display, subtitles etc.

So many titles have their own makeshift in-game lists already, too. Gears of War, Resident Evil Revelations, Cuphead, Shovel Knight - yet they're called "Milestones" or "Perks", tied to achievements and trophies, but resigned to pause menus or main menus.

Let us place trophies or achievements on the screen while we play, fighting game move list-style, and work through them in real time.

Varying open-world combat encounters by encouraging different loadouts or strategies, asking you to visit all four corners of a map, brew a specific potion. Literally ANYTHING that encourages the player to see everything that's been designed, would be for the betterment of us and the creators themselves.


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