9 Things Nobody Wants To Admit About Fall Guys

6. Everyone Understands See Saw Physics, But Everyone Also Wants To Win

Fall Guys Winner
Devolver Digital

Speaking of new players, there's an overwhelming complaint that fellow Fall Guys are oblivious to the fundamental physics in the See Saw. In this round, beans race across lopsided seesaws to qualify. We've all been in that situation on the second set of seesaws, waiting for players on the other side to stop jumping on their too-tilted edge so you can jump on.

It can be easy when falling into oblivion for the 55,000th time to blame other people's ineptitude of grasping the laws of physics. But I put forward the hypothesis that everyone is very aware of how physics work: we all care more about winning.

Other players will happily risk everyone's safety if it gets them closer to being one of the lucky qualifiers. We've all tempted fate on See Saw, thinking "well, just one more bean can't hurt" as you jump on, stumble, and tip five other players along with you. In the heat of the moment, we lose all understanding of gravity as more and more players reach the finish line. Why can't we just all be friends?


A journalist who can't fall asleep during films; it's a blessing and a curse. Indie games are the spice of my life.