9 Things We Learned From Tokyo Game Show 2017

1. The Shadow Of The Colossus Remake Needs More Fog

Shadow Of The Colossus Remake

A new trailer for next year's much-anticipated Shadow of the Colossus remake was dropped during TGS, revealing the further extent to which the game has been polished, which actually drew a rather mixed response from fans of the PS2 classic.

Most of the complaints have stemmed from the remake ditching most of the volumetric fog present in the original game, which while originally a sneaky trick to make the game perform better on the PS2's tech, also lent the Colossi and the game as a whole a more eerie and mysterious atmosphere.

In this remake footage, everything looks incredibly clean and crisp, to the point that some of the intrigue is lost, and the end result feels fundamentally different.

Yes, it's a first world problem if there ever was one, and there's still plenty of time to fix it, but as much as the fog was a technical solution in the original game, it's a genius touch that many fans will sorely miss in the new version.

What did you think of TGS 2017's biggest reveals? Shout them out in the comments!


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.