9 Tiny Issues That Ruined The Reputations Of Great Video Games

8. Swapping Michael Ironside For Eric Johnson In Splinter Cell: Blacklist

splinter cell blacklist

What's in a name?

An entire franchise, apparently.

Splinter Cell: Blacklist sold so badly that Ubisoft haven't a followup or even mentioned the name in five years. And why? Because voice actor Michael Ironside (the gravelly pipes of Sam Fisher) wasn't returning. Instead he was replaced by relative no-namer Eric Johnson, which... peed off the masses something royal.

Alongside was a complete rework of his character; one that was way harsher to his comrades, had none of the black comedic charm of his former self, and was overall, just a bit phoned in. Some late-game revelations did round Fisher back out again and get him rooting for him, but by then it was far too late.

Blacklist remains one of the finest stealth games of all time - and the second-best Splinter Cell of them all after Chaos Theory - but it's just straight fact that nowhere near enough people picked it up.

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