9 Upcoming Video Games Destined To Be The Sleeper Hits Of 2016

4. For Honor​

2016 sleeper hits

Considering the massive response and hype-train that usually follows an announcement of a new Ubisoft IP (the initial reception of both Watch Dogs and The Division speaks for itself), the general reaction to hack-and-slasher For Honor was surprisingly muted.

Maybe it was because memories of Ryse: Son of Rome were still fresh in our memory or maybe we're all just a bit burned out on over-hyped Ubisoft games, but either way, For Honor hasn't enjoyed that much of a following in recent months.

Which is a shame, because the Medieval mix of samurais, vikings and knights looks like it could be a whole load of fun. Focussed on competitive co-op play and aggressive online head-to-head bouts, For Honor is attempting to tap into a genre that's mostly been overlooked since the dawn of the latest generation of consoles.

There's still more we need to see - and more Ubisoft needs to prove - but this new game from the publishing giant might be the first indication of a return to form for one of gaming's biggest companies.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3