9 Video Game Characters Who Would Make An Awesome Suicide Squad
1. Harley Quinn - Jack/Subject Zero (Mass Effect)
Who else but the psychotic biotic to play this deranged jester? There are some surface-level differences, sure, but the similarities cut right to the bone.
Firstly, the differences. A big issue is that Harley is a non-super and Jack has biotic abilities from her cybernetic implants. Also from an image perspective, Harley has typically feminine features in most costumes, while Jack adopts a masculine look.
But even with this difference in gender presentation, both have complexities around their sexuality; Harley’s love for Joker is just Stockholm Syndrome from an abused girlfriend and in comic canon, her marriage to Poison Ivy became official this year.
Likewise, it is possible to have a committed relationship with Jack, but she’s vulnerable, throwing herself at you initially, using sex as a way to connect. Taking her up on this offer then rejecting her afterwards causes her to lose respect for you. She even eschews all contact with the crew, except when absolutely necessary.
Both of these characters are the wildcards in a deck of wildcards. The most damaged car at the demolition derby. They might not seem much threat to look at, but if they don’t like that look, they’ll skin you alive.