9 Video Game Endings That Were Changed Because Of Fan Feedback

5. Frozen Synapse Gives The Players Whatever They 'Want'

Mass Effect 3
Mode 7

Plenty of people had a response to Bioware's controversial decision to bow to fan demand and change their ending to Mass Effect 3, yet the developers of Frozen Synapse wanted to show just how dangerous it can be to let fans dictate the way a game should conclude.

To do this, the devs looked through suggestions for new endings that had been discussed on their message boards - and then took the whackiest ones to create a crazy alternate ending that had nothing to do with the game itself.

Full of top hat-wearing dinosaurs and talking ponies, the new ending was only available for one week, but even in that small amount of time managed to effectively convey how dangerous it can be to leave the ending of a game entirely up to fans.

Sure, it was probably a bit of an unneeded dig against the whole Mass Effect 3 controversy, but the message of respecting a creator's creative decision and understanding that all fans want different things was an idea not being spread around enough at the time.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3