9 Video Game Endings That Were Changed Because Of Fan Feedback

4. Prince Of Persia 2008 Retcons That Downer Ending

Mass Effect 3
Ubisoft Montreal

For as much as people didn't take to the 2008 reboot of Prince of Persia, you have to admit that it at least attempted to do something daring with the story.

Because the entire game is presented as the Prince and his companion Elika's desperate attempt to stop the oncoming "darkness" from enveloping the world, the two make a pilgrimage to a blessed site in order to prevent the release of a wrathful god. However, just before they arrive at their destination, the duo are ambushed - with Elika being killed in the crossfire.

The Prince, by this point having grown rather fond of his travelling companion, opts instead to destroy the ritual site in order to complete a spell that would bring Elika back from the dead, undoing all of his attempts to push back the corruption and dooming the rest of the world in the process.

Unfortunately, this bummer of a finale didn't go down too well with players, and Ubisoft released an Epilogue that picks up right where the original game left off.

Instead of sticking to their guns, the devs used the DLC to give the Prince and Elika a happy ending, trading in the foreboding original finale for a generic climax where the hero defeats the bad guy, saves the world and gets the girl. But at least this time, there was a world left to save.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3