9 Video Game Endings That Were Changed Because Of Fan Feedback

3. Fallout 3's DLC Brought Your Character Back From The Dead

Mass Effect 3

Fallout 3 is an expansive game, to the point where if you want to see everything the title has to offer, you'll have to spend hundreds of hours investigating every nook and cranny in the DC Wasteland.

But if you decided to power through the game's main narrative (which only makes up about 20% of the content, tops), then upon completion you'd be locked in a state where it's impossible for you to continue adventuring with your current character.

Why? Because the final mission of the main quest actually kills off the protagonist, and unless you were lucky enough to have a recent save from before you started the chain reaction of quests that lead to this climatic battle, the game ultimately forces you to start all over again.

Fans were rightfully frustrated that they couldn't continue developing their main character that they had spent countless hours with, and in response Bethesda released Broken Steel, a DLC update that retconned the original ending and decided that, nah, your character wasn't dead after all.

It wasn't the most elegant way of doing things, but at least it meant that you didn't have to replay 50 hours of a game you'd just finished in order to see all of the cool stuff you missed.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3