9 Video Game Endings That Were Changed Because Of Fan Feedback

2. Mass Effect 3's Extended Cut Finally Explains Your Decisions

Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3 has one of the most infamously bad endings of all time. The culmination of three games, Bioware's sci-fi epic opted to trade in everything that had made the franchise so special up until that point for an easy finish.

Out the window went the nuanced approach to player choice and in its place was a finale that let you choose one of three pre-determined endings that completely disregarded every major decision players had ever made over the past three games.

Even worse, the endings themselves weren't even well crafted, offering vague and unsatisfying wrap-ups that completely jarred with everything set up beforehand.

So it's no surprise that the fan backlash was monumental. Initially refusing to go back on their creative vision, developers at Bioware eventually caved, releasing a piece of free DLC that expanded on the endings and showed players how their decisions impacted a galaxy they'd invested so many hours in.

It didn't exactly fix the foundational problems that made the finale so disappointing in the first place, but it at least allowed players to actually understand the choices that were forced on them.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3