9 Video Game Endings That Were Changed Because Of Fan Feedback

1. Metal Gear Solid 4 Only Exists Because Everyone Hated The Second Game's Ending

Mass Effect 3

Okay, we know that after the release of every single Metal Gear Solid game, series creator Hideo Kojima always used to promise it will definitely, absolutely, for total realsies this time, be the last one.

Naturally, this couldn't be further from the truth in retrospect, but there was a time when the legendary developer actually meant it; and the ending of Metal Gear Solid 2 was supposed to wrap up the story of Solid Snake in an incredibly meta and post-modern way that drew attention to the entire fallacy of soulless, corporately-produced sequels.

But fans famously didn't like its ambiguity, and even an excellent prequel release starring Big Boss couldn't stop them from demanding to play as Solid Snake one more time.

So Metal Gear Solid 4 was born, and in the end, Kojima himself even admitted that he only returned to Solid Snake's story because he was sick of hearing everyone asking him about it. Which is pretty evident if you've ever played the game, as MGS 4 bends over backwards to explain every little mystery in the series in order to satiate the fans who demanded answers for years.

So yeah, the constant whining resulted in players getting an entire game chock-full of nanomachine-based explanations for everything that happened in Metal Gear Solid 2, taking away all of the magic and mystery that made the title so fun in the first place. I hope getting Old Snake in return was worth it.


Let us know in the comments if there were any other game endings notoriously swapped when you were or weren't looking!


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3