9 Video Game Plot Details EVERYONE Missed

6. Plague Knight Learns To Dance - Shovel Knight

shovel knight plague knight ending
Yacht Club

What eventually turned into the Shovel Knight "Treasure Trove" - the collection of the original game's campaign, three additional campaigns and a Smash Bros.-style spin-off all in the same package - remains one hell of a coding feat from developers Yacht Club.

It's a series filled with charm, genuinely funny writing and supremely tight, rewarding platforming. However, some of the best scenes come from the respective characters closing moments, and for Plague Knight, that involves him finally plucking up the courage to take the alchemist Mona's hand, and dance the night away as the final credits roll.

However, you can exponentially add to this moment by visiting the Troupple King earlier in the story, where the forest god will teach Plague Knight that by holding down on the D-pad, he can practice what will turn into this final waltz.

Beautifully, at one point in the story you'll catch Mona practicing her "half" too, but neither of the pair have their respective dancing partners until the story ends.

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