9 Video Game Pre-Orders That Broke Everything

8. Save Scumming - The Quarry

the quarry rewind
Supermassive Games

The latest blockbuster brainchild from Until Dawn developer Supermassive was a big hit with reviewers in particular. Though it might be because those reviewers were given the special edition which includes three mulligans if you happen to get one of your characters killed. Much like Until Dawn, The Quarry has a teen horror movie set up where you’ll need to make a lot of choices correctly to keep your ragtag group of youths alive.

While Until Dawn had no implemented save scumming system, there was loose checkpointing so if you messed up one thing you could quit out of the game and reload back in. If that’s something you like to do.

Supermassive have ensured this isn’t possible in The Quarry as the game saves immediately as you make a life or death choice, but that doesn’t mean save scumming is completely out of the game, they just charge for it now. In Australia The Quarry is already a $90 game and if you want the version that comes with the rewind system, essentially granting you three extra lives for any mistakes you make, you’ll need to pay another $20 on top of that making this a $110 game that’ll only take you about 10 hours for one playthrough.

The problem here is that the true ending hinges on the survival of a couple of characters so not having a do-over if you slip can completely alter the experience.

You can earn the death rewind feature after going through the game once but that’s a big time commitment. Especially for a game that won’t let you skip cutscenes the second time through. If you’re keen for multiple playthroughs anyway, this won't be a problem for you, but for everybody else it’s a vastly different experience and it feels kind of scummy on the business practices side.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.