9 Video Game Sequels That Tore Fanbases In Half

8. The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker

legend of zelda wind waker

If you played Ocarina of Time as a kid or teenager in the 90s, you probably thought it was the most epic, mature and weighty adventure in all of entertainment. Link accidentally dooming the world thanks to messing up some time travel, beaming into his adult self to put things right is one for the ages, and the stakes are supremely high as you try and slot the pieces back together.

What the Legend of Zelda series is not however, is a 'gritty, hyper-mature' tale. The nearest we had was the kooky surrealist experiment of Majora's Mask, but these are fairytales told around a campfire. Each retelling gets a few details different, but it's the main beats of the narrative that elevate the mythos.

All of this is to say, that when Nintendo made a Zelda game with an aesthetic that matched its whimsy, a portion of the fanbase lost their minds.

Wind Waker was cute, it was adorable. Link and sister Aryll played on a small island with their grandmother, before a talking dragon boat whisked them off on an adventure filled with primary colours.

It was NOT, by ANY means, the mind's eye version of Zelda that had been encapsulated in those who grew up with Ocarina of Time or the obtuse originals.

For those who could go with it though, Wind Waker is one of the absolute best.

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