9 Video Games That Didn't Know How To End

6. Gears 4 & 5

gears 5
The Coalition

Hey, The Coalition? You can end your games on something other than a cliffhanger.

Gears of War is easily one of the most well-known and iconic franchises in gaming history. It has legions of fans - some of them with COG tattoos - it's not like they're not going to soak up every last morsel of a given story.

Sadly though, while Gears 5 contains the most polished gameplay of the series to date, like Gears 4, it has a marked lack of confidence throughout.

Sure, there are peaks like when Kait finds out the history of her bloodline and relation to Queen Myrrha at the close of Act 2... but that's about it.

Act 3 quickly deviates into a complete tonal shift as we embark on a barren open-world section, only for the closing Act 4 to be a standard "Save the city!" setup, and like Gears 4 again, the game ends on a cliffhanger that there's more to come.

Where Gears 4 had the reveal of Kait realising an heirloom passed down from her grandmother was the Locust symbol, Gears 5 has the crew look at Kait as they remark on needing to track down Kait's mother, who has become the new Locust Queen.

Both games end on Kait holding that same amulet, and both ultimately feel like wheel-spinning - especially after what Act 2 looked to set in motion.

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