9 Video Games That Make More Money In A Day Than You Ever Will

7. Overwatch

Overwatch tracer

Daily Revenue: 2.18 million est. ($1 billion total gross divided by 458 days since launch)

Overwatch is an absolute monster. Within weeks it had devoured everything from the competition (Battleborn) to our social lives in tow, and even two years on, shows no signs of stopping.

And why should it?

Blizzard have a knack for creating worlds we just love to get lost in, and they didn't miss a trick adding a random dice-roll loot box element to proceedings, either. Thus, you've got stellar production values, loveable heroes, stunning graphics and XP meters firing off in all directions - all playing into the idea of unlocking more skins, animations and win poses.

Cumulatively - and this factors in physical, digital and microtransaction sales - it's made Overwatch a literal billion dollar property, which if you work backwards and divide by days since release, gives a rough estimate of making 2.18 million in revenue every day.


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